Our conceptual approach
Medical development aid is not a patronizing charity to increase one’s own reputation and/or enrich the donor, but rather an ethical commitment to humanity, social justice and mutual respect. In our projects, we always practice the principle of an equal partnership with the local institutions with which we work. Goal- and solution-oriented routes based on a high level of professionalism, transparency and integrity as well as regular progress checks are core elements of our common work.
In the years since ROBINAID was founded, we have gained a great deal of experience in various projects where we have been given responsibility for intensive care. We have clearly recognized that a reliable advancement in the treatment of critically ill patients in resource-poor countries requires far more than the implementation of temporary medical missions. Therefore, we continuously developed our concept and pursue an integrative approach with three areas of work: participation in patient care, building staff capacity and providing medicines, consumables and medical equipment. These are the essential components for meeting the high demands in the care of seriously ill patients.
Our mission
Medical assistance
We perform state-of-the-art perioperative cardiac and emergency critical care, free of charge, accessible for all patients without discrimination or exclusion of any kind.
Medical education
We train medical professionals in anaesthesia, cardiac and emergency critical care according to internationally recognized standards and accompany them on their way to certified qualifications.
Medical procurement
We offer support in obtaining and maintaining fair access to high-quality medical products and devices required for the complex care of critically ill patients.
“Access to critical care medicine is a life-saving component of healthcare and one of the most important factors to reduce mortality and morbidity. The right to be healed and to live a life of dignity and opportunity is a fundamental and inalienable right of every member of the human community; we are all equal.”
Dr. med. Matthias Angrés

Our values
We believe that all humans are equal; treating everyone with the highest degree of respect regardless of their origin, gender, religion and economic condition is at the heart of our commitment. Hard work, perseverance and the willingness to best serve patients are fundamental obligations for all of us.
We follow the principle of life-long learning; constantly broaden our knowledge, skills, insights, and attitude enables us to improve further and further. Continuous medical education as well as scientific events and applied researches are important focal points of our work philosophy.
We constantly encourage our colleagues and friends on the ground to take their development into their own hands in order to become strong and independent from outside help. Only a life of self-determination and dignity will lead to lasting improvements for a better future.